

Ayurveda therapy

Ayurveda is a word composed of ayu, life and ver knowledge, then translated as the science of life. It is a complex that ancient Indian medicine system and developed by more than 2,000 years of intensive research and countless innovative efforts.

Ayurvedic medicine has an integral vision of man and disease, so it is not directed at this, but tries to bring the individual to balance and the consequence of which is health

The doshas

According to Ayurveda each individual has three main energies (doshas) in different proportions: Vata,Pitta and Kapha that determine the modes of behavior, preferences and emotional tendencies

Vata It is air and space and corresponds to the movement of mind and body, and breathing. It’s characterized by being light, fast and dry

Pita It is fire and water, and corresponds to the digestive metabolism and intellectual activity.

Kapha It is water and earth, and corresponds to body mass, lubrication of extremities, and is characterized by adjectives like slow, calm and patience.

The doshas make it easy to distinguish between the psychophysical tendencies in our body and disharmony which may ensue. According to ayurveda the diseases arise when creating imbalances in the doshas; identification of imbalances in a dosha lead to finding a remedy to restore the state of balance and harmony.

Rebalancing of a dosha is obtained by increasing the opposing qualities through changes in lifestyle, diet, herbs, oils, stones, special colors and ayurveda practice yoga.

Nutritional Weight Control

Body composition is monitored to determine:

The body mass index (BMI) is a simple indicator between weight and height that is commonly used to identify overweight and obesity in adults.

Body fat is the percentage that indicates the amount of fat body mass on the overall weight thereof expressed as a percentage. Depending on the distribution of fat in the body, it is classified as visceral fat (fat surrounding internal organs)  or subcutaneous fat (fat found under the skin)

Skeletal muscle causes the body to burn energy more or less easily, increase or decrease in the proportion of skeletal muscle, which means that it is less likely to become fat and provides a dynamic lifestyle.

Basal metabolism BMR, . This parameter indicates how many calories you need to eat to get enough energy for body functioning,  regardless of activity level, a minimum level of caloric intake is required to perform the daily functions of the body.

From these parameters a nutritional ideal balance is established, allowing the intake of a variety of suitable foods to preserve nutritional balance.

Keratin application

Natural Keratin is a protein found in specific parts of the human and animal body such as: nails, hair, horns, feathers and wool providing a special strength, giving greater consistency, forming a kind of coating or shield the body, but as time passes as with skin, hair begins to weaken and grow old because of the loss of keratin which is in charge of giving the hair: shine, elasticity, resistance , torsion and strength.

The treatment process involves washing with a shampoo that removes grease and dirt from hair and scalp, then applies keratin strands, is expected to dry hair and finally the plate is passed.

This treatment consists of cauterizing the hair being sealed hair cuticle with keratin inside, allowing a gradual restructuring of hair, and a straight hair get longer in fewer sessions gradually.